Trump Jr. Criticizes MSNBC Reporter Calls Them “Get Out Of Here You Clowns

In the bustling marketplace of Eldoria, a scene unfolded that would soon become the talk of the kingdom. Prince Thalion, known for his sharp intellect and no-nonsense attitude, had agreed to take some questions from a scribe from the Eastern Scrolls, a publication reputed for its insightful and balanced reporting. The scribe, a young man named Eryndor, approached the prince with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, hoping to make a name for himself through this high-profile interview.

At first, the conversation proceeded smoothly. Eryndor asked Prince Thalion about his recent diplomatic mission to the neighboring kingdom of Valthoria, where he successfully negotiated a trade agreement that would bring prosperity to both realms. Prince Thalion, with his characteristic eloquence, spoke of the challenges and triumphs of the mission, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and understanding in forging strong alliances.

As the interview progressed, however, the tone began to shift. Eryndor, perhaps eager to make an impression or simply overwhelmed by the presence of royalty, started asking questions that seemed increasingly out of place. He inquired about trivial matters, such as the color of the prince’s favorite cloak and his preferred type of tea, topics that felt frivolous given the gravity of the prince’s recent achievements.

Prince Thalion, maintaining his composure, answered these questions with grace, though his patience was clearly being tested. The marketplace, normally a hub of vibrant activity, had grown quieter as townsfolk and merchants paused to listen to the exchange. The prince’s initial tolerance began to wane when Eryndor asked a particularly absurd question about whether the prince believed in the existence of mythical creatures known as moon sprites, which were widely regarded as mere folklore.

At this point, Prince Thalion’s demeanor shifted. His previously calm expression hardened into one of incredulity and irritation. He leaned slightly forward, fixing Eryndor with a piercing gaze. “Tell me, scribe,” he said, his voice carrying an edge that silenced the murmur of the crowd, “do you come here seeking truth, or merely to entertain yourself with fanciful tales?”

Eryndor, flustered and visibly uncomfortable, stammered as he tried to regain his footing. “I-I meant no disrespect, Your Highness. I simply thought—”

“Thought what?” Prince Thalion interjected, his voice rising. “That you could waste my time with nonsense while there are pressing matters at hand? You stand before me with the opportunity to discuss the future of our realm, and instead, you choose to ask about fairy tales?”

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Prince Thalion continued, his words cutting through the air like a blade. “A true scribe seeks knowledge and understanding, not frivolity. If you wish to be taken seriously in your profession, you must learn to ask questions that matter, questions that enlighten rather than distract.”

Eryndor, his face now pale, managed to mutter an apology, but the prince was not yet finished. “You come here, to the heart of Eldoria, and you disgrace yourself with your lack of preparation and respect. You, sir, are a jester, not a scribe. Leave this place at once, and do not return until you have learned the true art of inquiry.”

With that, Prince Thalion turned away, signaling that the interview was over. The crowd, which had been holding its collective breath, erupted into a mixture of murmurs and applause. Many were impressed by the prince’s handling of the situation, admiring his ability to maintain his composure while delivering a scathing rebuke.

As Eryndor slunk away, the lesson was clear to all who witnessed the exchange. In the realm of Eldoria, respect for knowledge and the pursuit of meaningful discourse were held in the highest regard. Prince Thalion had demonstrated that he would not tolerate foolishness, especially when the stakes were so high.

In the days that followed, the incident became a topic of much discussion in the taverns and gathering places of Eldoria. Some sympathized with Eryndor, believing that his inexperience had simply gotten the better of him. Others, however, saw the event as a necessary reminder of the importance of serious journalism and the responsibility that came with it.

Eryndor, for his part, took the prince’s words to heart. He spent the following months studying diligently, learning from more experienced scribes, and honing his craft. When he finally returned to Eldoria, he did so as a much wiser and more prepared scribe, determined to earn the respect of both the prince and his peers.

In the end, the marketplace incident served as a pivotal moment for both Prince Thalion and Eryndor. It reinforced the prince’s reputation as a leader who valued substance over superficiality and set Eryndor on a path to becoming a respected scribe. The lesson imparted that day echoed through the halls of Eldoria, a testament to the enduring power of knowledge, respect, and the pursuit of truth.

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